Make a donation towards capitation costs
Each year our biggest single bill is for ‘Capitation’. This is an annual levy on each active Watchkeeper payable to NCI’s national office.
Currently this levy stands at £27 per head but this goes up each year. Although it absolutely not a requirement, some watchkeepers have in the past made a donation to PQ towards this cost. This page simplifies the process, making it easier for you to make such a donation.
What is capitation for? The charity has of necessity some nationally pooled costs including things like insurance, premises and website costs, etc. There are no staffing costs as all officers and Trustees are volunteers just like us, but National does require some funds to operate. Capitation has been a long-standing practice and is generally seen as a fair way of distributing national costs between all stations.
We offer three ways for you to make a donation to help support capitation costs. You also have the option to add GiftAid (except for PQ Friend) by ticking a box on the checkout page.
Please note that you do NOT need to login to make a payment on any of these pages. If you choose to become a PQ Friend you will be asked to create a new account. This will be separate and distinct from your Watchkeeper login and will only be used in relation to your Friend account.