It costs around £13,000 a year to maintain the Lookout and its equipment so that we can continue to keep an eye on those at sea and on the coast path 365 days a year.
NCI receives no Government funding and relies on donations from the public.
You can support us in so many ways. Even if you cannot commit to being one of our watchkeepers, why not join our Friends scheme, sign up to whereby thousands of online retailers will donate to us when you buy online or just make a donation.
You can donate:
Click or tap the "DONATE" button to make a single or even better a regular donation using your credit or debit card.
Gift Aid your donation and the Government will add 25p to every £1 given.
Text PRAWLE followed by the amount you wish to give to 70450.
Texts will cost the amount of your donation plus the cost of one standard network rate message, and you’ll be opting into hearing more from us.
If you don't wish to hear more from us, please text PRAWLENOINFO instead of PRAWLE at the beginning of your text.
We have collection boxes in local shops as well as inside and outside the Visitor Centre and you can donate in cash or by card at the Lookout.
Just nominate NCI Prawle Point when you sign up.