2025 Spring Fundraiser

Prawle Point NCI is one of 60 stations around the coastline of England & Wales working in concert with other search and rescue operations. We are all volunteers and we receive no government funding so we rely on people like you to help us keep our station open and thriving. In order to be part […]

September News and a visitation

As we say goodbye to summer 2024 (a rather mixed experience!) we enter September and a new training season for watchkeepers. This month there is no news. Well, that’s never quite true but this month we have produced a newsletter for our watchkeepers only. Look out for our October PQ News in a few weeks’ […]

5-day tide and weather information

We have now added an additional free service (courtesy of tides.today and UK Hydrographic Office). Tide table information is Crown Copyright and is provided here with permission. Find it here…

August news

We’ve posted the August newsletter. As it’s August it’s primarily devoted to one item: the handover event of the NCI 30th Anniversary Flag. Read it here

July News is here…

Our July News is here, with information about the forthcoming 30th Anniversary celebration event in Salcombe on July 9, our latest incident report, and a sneak preview of the Salcombe Field of Light coming to Salcombe later this year. You’re most welcome to join us around 10.00 on July 9 as we send the specially-commissioned […]

30th anniversary flag on its way

The NCI 30th Anniversary Flag is now passing through Wales, heading inexorably South on its way around the coast. Expected to reach us from Rame Head NCI on July 8 ready for redeployment to Froward Point NCI courtesy of Britannia Royal Naval College. We depart Normandy Pontoon at Whitestrand in Salcombe on July 9. Follow […]

June news

We have just published our June newsletter which you can find here. It contains early information about our contribution to the national celebrations of NCI’s 30th Anniversary and an invitation to come along to Normandy Pontoon on July 9. Read more…

NCI 30th Anniversary

Why not come and join us in Salcombe as we send the 30th Anniversary NCI flag along its way via our friends at Britannia Royal Naval College. We will gather at 10am at Whitestrand where the specially designed embroidered flag, bearing the names of all 60 National Coastwatch stations, will be presented to the Navy for transport to Dartmouth on two of their Vahanna class vessels.

We were at Prawle Fair

A beautiful sunny day for another fun-filled Prawle Fair held as usual on the Sunday of the May Bank Holiday. Here with (L to R) Martin, Di, Richard and Nick. Thanks to everyone who came and said hello! (and thanks to Anne for the lovely photos)